Vote on our cards, and more...
It's almost go time!

We have some fun last-minute updates in this wee's newsletter, but first:
Be sure to sign up on Kickstarter!

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This Week's Announcements!
  • Vote on the Cards! During the Kickstarter, backers will get to participate in four votes to determine cards that will be in the deck!  The first vote, between Quick-Set Cement and A Tarp, will begin July 1 and last one week.  May the Battle of the Landscaping Supplies begin!
  • We're going to the Fair! We will have a booth at the Lane County Fair in Eugene, Oregon in the indoor pavilion from July 20 though the 24th.  Come see us, try the game out, and enter for a chance to win an oversized version of the Jackalope plushie!
  • The Prototype Raffle Continues:  You have four chances to win a prototype set!  One is being signed up for this newsletter, the other three are through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (links at the bottom of this email).  The prototype set includes all the misspellings, off-center images, and rejected cards you could ever want!
The Sneak Peek

Here are the cards that backers can vote on in Week 1 of the Kickstarter campaign!

Thank you for reading, and have a happy hazard!

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Why is HAPHAZARDS in all-caps?  Because you don't see lowercase letters on caution tape.