In a world where unspeakable hazards are waiting around every corner, you and your friends must use your wits to rescue each other from definite disasterous doom.
Who can devise the most creative, inventive, and outrageous rescue plan? Grab what you can and throw it together to navigate these HAPHAZARDS!
In a world where unspeakable hazards are waiting around every corner, you and your friends must use your wits to rescue each other from definite disasterous doom!

Special Price: $30.00
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HAPHAZARDS is a fun-packed card game for 3 to 8 players.  You must use your cards and your wits to rescue your friends from certain disaster.

Can you defeat the Yeti with
     A Skateoard
         A Bathtub of Monkeys
            and A Circus Tent?

The absurd possibilities are endless!

View more goodies in the HAPHAZARDS store!

We’re a family of four who created HAPHAZARDS as an entertaining diversion during the pandemic, and through its creation and playtesting, we have discovered that the game has appeal to adults and kids alike.

We have ordered and received complete playtest sets, made the finl game updates, and are entering the production phase.  We can’t wait to share HAPHAZARDS with you!

Players: 3 to 8

The more, the merrier!

Play time: 30 - 60 Minutes

Hours of wild fun!

Learn time: 5 Minutes

Easy to learn, easy to play!

Ages: 5 and up

Loads of fun for kids and adults!

© 2021-2022 JABAS LLC

Graphic Design by Fury Cat Graphics